The Leprosy Mission (TLM) stands as a leading international Christian charity, operating in over 30 countries, with a mission to achieve the vision of Leprosy Defeated and Lives Transformed. Established in 1874, The Leprosy Mission holds the distinction of being the oldest and largest organization focused on leprosy globally. Operating as a Global Fellowship comprised of 29 Member countries, TLM’s International Office serves as a central hub, providing leadership and facilitation to enable the collective efforts of the Global Fellowship in realizing their shared vision of a world free from leprosy.
Brent Morgan
80 Windmill Road, Brentford,
+44 (0) 20 8326 6767
Countries of operation
Australia Bangladesh Belgium Chad Denmark DR Congo Ethiopia Finland France Germany Hungary India Italy Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway Papua New Guinea South Africa South Korea Sudan Sweden Switzerland Timor Leste United Kingdom