In Advocacy Hub

The global campaign Renew Our World is calling on Christians world-wide to join in prayer and action to respond to the negative consequences of climate change for our planet and especially poor communities. EU-CORD and its member Tearfund (UK) are joining the campaign which has clear goals for changing policies and lifestyles by mobilising and engaging Christian individuals, organisations and churches globally.

Watch the campaign video and have a look at the newly launched website where you can find more information on how you, your group, church or organisation can get involved in the campaign.

EU-CORD is committed to advocate for and live out social, economic and environment justice. Climate action is not only an environmental issue, it also has a positive impact on the lives of the people EU-CORD members serve and empower through their relief, development and advocacy work.

Martin Kapenda, the National Coordinator of Micah Zambia, explains what climate justice means for his context:

“Climatic changes in Zambia and the rest of Southern Africa have impacted negatively on food security at household level. The worst affected households are those in rural areas, which are confronted by price hikes for foods. Switching to sustainable agriculture is one of the ways in which communities can contribute to efforts to reduce the effects of climate change. The church has an important role to play in this area by demonstrating the importance of sustainable agriculture at community level”.

Faith groups have played an increasingly important role in the global climate movement within the last years and have also contributed to the Paris Agreement that came out of the UN climate change conference in December 2015. In the surprisingly ambitious agreement, world leaders committed to pursue efforts to keep temperature rise below 1.5°C.

Now we need our governments to take action.

Tearfund’s Director of Advocacy, Paul Cook writes:

“The Renew Our World campaign will put pressure on governments around the world to deliver on promises made in the Paris Agreement. Part of that agreement is to see energy renewed with clean power, agriculture transformed using climate-friendly techniques and food renewed by taking action on waste.”

The global campaign starts with a focus on prayer for climate justice during the season of lent. The Renew Our World website provides a number of resources that help individuals, organisations and churches to join the campaign by praying, pursuing sustainable lifestyles and advocating for transformative policies.

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